My dream job

 Some of my dreamed jobs as a child it was teacher and vet.

When I was a child I liked very much the teach in general, with my friends we always played that and I was always the teacher, in that moment I liked very much the idea of being a teacher about language or math, also I excited think in doing the education something interesting and fun for the childrens, something they wanna learn.

Then I star liked veterinary medicine, because I just love the animals, the idea of care them is just beautiful to me, in that moment I just think in taking care of dogs, but then I realized that it is not just about that, is it a very difficult job, because the animals can't talk with us and they are really fragile, also I don't like the blood, needles and all kind related with medicine, I just get nervous, and the idea of one animal die in front of me or for my fault, it is just much for me.

Always I love the art in general, and when I grew up I realized that studying acting was what I really wanted, it is just very fun and very diverse and i very happy studying this, because I learning many things that I never thought. 



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